Christmas table setting with TYBO ceramics

Setting a Christmas morning table

Noa Sophie Stoustrup is our art director and graphic designer but has also become a dear friend of the TYBO family. We love to visit her beautiful home and hang out with her dear family in our neighborhood. And let us be honest, she sets the table just perfectly for Christmas with our items.

Many years ago, we met Noa, who actually lives on the same street as us, and that was the beginning of a business relationship and treasured friendship.

Both Stinne and I grew up in Djursland, but we didn’t know each other back then, but now when I visit my parents, I often stop by Hans’ workshop for at chat and to have a look at his latest creations,” Noa tells and continues:

For the last 12 years I have lived in the area around Enghave Plads with my husband Jakob and for the last 3 years our son Wilder. I were so fortuned to run into Stinne & Nis and we sort of just clicked. Noa recalls with a smile. 

Since then she has designed and developed their visual identity and digital universe at

Besides being an Art Director, she also runs Hopla Studio, where she develops visual identities, websites, and all sorts of marketing materials. Still, she specializes in framing beautiful photo materials and art to present them in the best possible way.


A sod deeper

If the sun is shining, you can be sure to find Noa and her family outside somewhere. They are drawn to the energy, the sun always brings. 

“Feeling the sun on your face is one of the strongest emotions in life, and we really cherish that and try to make it last as far into the fall and winter as possible,” 

Noa says and elaborates:

“My father and my uncle pressed the apple juice on the table, the quince marmalade is from the garden of my mother-in-law and produced at their country house in Vejen, and the apple puree with Christmas seasoning for the waffles is made from a weekend at my sister in law, where Wilder was on his first ‘apple robbery’ in her garden. Summed up, that is the vital sunshine at my Christmas table.”

“The most important thing to me about Christmas is, that it is a natural occasion to come together. I love to be a hostess. To gather friends and family for breakfast, lunch, or dinner and I really appreciate setting a table, giving it an aesthetic and calm look to frame the meal.”

Cold Coffee

“Having my son Wilder has changed my approach - for the better! Christmas with a little child forces you to let go of specific expectations because it often doesn’t go as planned anyway,” Noa smiles and adds:

“If You can give into the beautiful chaos - that is where the magic happens. My favorite thing to do with Wilder is letting go of all the “to do’s” and just let his imagination lead the way into a game where his pace and ideas determine, what we do and what role we play,” Noa says and adds:

"These moments are, when I see, what his little creative mind can come up with and it shows the personality he is growing into."

"These moments are also the reason why I never finish a cup of coffee before it gets cold. A TYBO cup with cold coffee is always an accessory."


The favorite item

Having just learned about Noa’s slow moments in the children's room with a coffee, one would think, that Noa's favorite item would be a cup.

“It’s hard to pick just one. Since I have worked with the TYBO family for more than six years, I have to admit, that I have collected quite a few of their beautiful ceramics. If I were to choose just one, it must be the Mona Soup Bowl. We simply use them for everything. Breakfast, dinner, snacks - all of it.” 

Noa says and continues: 

“And for the last two years my son has eaten all his meals from a Mona Soup Bowl, so let’s just say, I am emotionally attached to them, so I’ll go with that,” Noa smiles.
